
Registration – 2022 Chicago Language Symposium

The 2022 Chicago Language Symposium is $35 when registering in advance, for either in-person or remote attendance, or $55 when registering the day of the event.

PLEASE NOTE: Attendee name and dietary restrictions were given to the venue at 4pm on Monday, April 18; if you sign up after this time you will need to create your own name badge at check-in, and the venue may not have received your dietary information.


This year’s Chicago Language Symposium – and its symposium theme – is being held in cooperation with the bi-annual meeting of the Sixth International Symposium on Languages for Specific Purposes (ISLSP) with support from the U.S. Department of Education’s Centers of International Business Education and Research (CIBER) on April 21-22.


Note about the Symposium Format

Since Northwestern University established Chicago Language Symposium in 1999, it has always been a modest-sized meeting that allowed for a lively and sustained conversation amongst its participants over the course of the Symposium’s sessions. In order to preserve that highly valued aspect of the meeting, in 2022 the Chicago Language Symposium has been conceived as a primarily in-person event. Participants will be able to attend remotely, however opportunities for remote-participant interaction during sessions will be limited (due to the venue). All presenters must attend in-person.

We thank you in advance for your understanding and consideration.

The logos from the four hosts of the Chicago Language Symposium