Language Placement FAQs
Is there a deadline to take language placement tests?
Students entering the College should take the exams before the College deadline in order to have their placement posted on their portal prior to pre-registration. After the deadline College students can still take the placement exams, but will need to email the Language Advising Contact in order to have the placement posted.
Rising second, third and fourth-year students and all graduate students should take the exams on the Language Placement Test – Year Round site in time to have the results in order to register for language classes.
Can I re-take the test?
Please consult with the Language Advising Contact. Depending on the language and level, and on how long it has been since you took a placement exam, you may need to retake it.
How long is the result valid for?
Language placements are considered valid for a year. After that, please consult with the Language Advising Contact. Depending on the language and level, and on how long it has been since you took the exam, you may need to retake it.
Do I get any course credits based on my placement?
No, the only way to get credits is to take the course you placed into, complete it with a quality grade, and then petition for the credits below it. Credit is never given for first-year courses based on performance on placement tests.
Does my placement fulfill the College Language Competency requirement?
No. If you are placed into the second year of a language, you may take a Competency exam in that language during the academic year. Other means to satisfy the Language Competency requirement can be found here.
I don’t see a placement exam on the Canvas site for the language I want to study. What should I do?
Refer to the Language Advising Contacts list, and reach out to that person.
I don’t see the language I want in the Contacts list, what should I do?
Check the departmental websites or search for the language in the online course catalog. It’s possible the language isn’t offered at the University of Chicago. You can also contact languagestudyadvising@uchicago.edu to find out if it’s possible to study that language.
I was placed into a class, but it is too difficult / too easy. Can I move to a course at a different level?
Please consult with the Language Advising Contact. They can look at your placement score and consider other language skills you may have. The Language Advising Contacts know the placement exams and the language curriculum and can advise you.
I took the placement test on the Year Round site. Who should I contact if I don’t hear about my placement within a week or two?
The Language Advising Contact.
I was placed into a class, but don’t have time to take it this year. Can I take it later?
Probably, but it’s good to consult with the Language Advising Contact first.